About Us
Hope International

Our Objectives

What We Do

Religious Dues
We will use your Zakat money where it is eligible. Make your Zakat due to Hope International and reach the eligible disadvantaged needed people.

Regular Giving
You can make a regular payment to support our angoing project by standing order or direct debit.

Education and Training is one of our top priorities. It is only through education and skills training we can help people change their lives and make them self sufficient

Eid Gifts Programme
Make an Eid Gift donation and make kids smile all around the world

Economic Empowerment
Our aim is to become self sufficient through skills and micro-financing.

Child Sponsorship
Sponsor a child for 3 years or more and give them a brighter future as many of them are orphan.

Shelter & Construction
A roof over your head is the most fundamental of human needs. This is the first line of security for human beings. Constructing shelter for the homeless will be our priority.

Skills Training
Unemployment and poverty can only be forgotten if people are given the necessary skills and training to help themselves.

UK Based Project
Many disadvantaged an refugees need assistance here at home which can not be ignored. Either finding a house, a job or directing them to the right place.

Water & Sanitation
Clean water and sanitation plays an important part in containing the spread of diseases and illness. We are providing clean water and the need to continue this vital work with your support

Livelihoods can only be improved if people are given the tools to change it. We are undertaking projects that will change people’s livelihoods by providing micro finance and creative self employment ideas.

Healthcare & Nutrition
People suffering persecution, torture and violence are in serious need of healthcare and children’s of conflicts are facing severe malnutrition problems need urgent support. We aim to provide this in crisis area
Our Volunteers
Tom Taylor
Authoritatively coordinate enterprise-wide e-services without global functionalities
Julie Fowler
Authoritatively coordinate enterprise-wide e-services without global functionalities
Myrtle Williams
Authoritatively coordinate enterprise-wide e-services without global functionalities